+91 9895707271

Feroke,Calicut,Kerala, Pin - 673631


Project 1: OPPAM


Everyone loves to live a happy and peaceful life. We spend our wealth, health and time to see our children smile. But there are those hapless, miserable children in our society who are denied the moments of happiness, and all chances to beam.

Their parents always live in the throes of a painful day- to-day existence. It is time we spent a few moments thinking of those parents who can't happily take part in weddings and funerals, who always seek an alchemy which would turn their children into normal kids. They are the parents who pray for their miserable children to die, before they draw their last breath.

Sayyid Munavvar Ali Shihab Thangal
Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust.

Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust
Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust

Stages of the Project

Formation of Action Groups (Involving the Chairperson of Local Self-Administration Committee/ICDS Supervisor/Health Inspector/Pain and Palliative Care Activists/Teachers and PTA representatives of Buds School/Kudumbshree/Asha Workers/ and Voluntary representatives)

Awareness for parents and training for the care of the children

Medical Camp (Giving medical certificates, and providing equipment and tools)

Vocational training

Facilitating Employment tools

Ensuring Government Aid

Infrastructure development of Buds School/Special School and Daycare Centre

Awareness for the Public

The trust has hatched an innovate welfare program titled “Oppam”, a Malayalam word which means “together.” The program aims at the upliftment of the differently-abled persons, mainly those suffering from autism, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability and severe brain diseases. Usually these people are the neglected in lot in all areas. It is the aim of “Oppam “ to stand together with these people and thus, ‘Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust’ aims to bring them to the mainstream of society, as much as possible.


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Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust

Project 2:

Pain & Palliative

Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual. Palliative care:

Provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms

Affirms life and regards dying as a normal process

Intends neither to hasten or postpone death

Integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care

Offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death

Offers a support system to help the family cope during the patients illness and in their own bereavement

uses a team approach to address the needs of patients and their families, including bereavement counselling, if indicated

Will enhance quality of life, and may also positively influence the course of illness;

Is applicable early in the come of illness, in conjunction with other therapies that are intended to prolong life, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and includes those investigations needed to better understand and manage distressing clinical complications.

We are to provide medical equipments such as Wheel Chair, Water Bed, Oxygen Concentrator, Air bed, Walker Etc. to those people who belongs to very poor background and suffers due to their illness. The equipments benefits many patience and give relief for their future living.

Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust

Project 3:

Physiotherapy & Rehabitation Centre

The need for physiotherapy treatment is increasing due to stroke and accidents. Free physiotherapy treatment with modern facilities led by expert therapists at the Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust's Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center provides relief to indigent patients who cannot afford long-term treatment.

Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust

Project 4 : Housing for the Marginalised

Safe, affordable housing is a basic necessity for every family. Without a decent place to live, people cannot be productive members of society, children cannot learn and families cannot thrive. Our trust advances financial assistance to the houseless poors and for the renovation of the inhabitable houses of the needy. Let us help the homeless poor get a new life, through this scheme.

Project 5 : Health Awareness & Medical Camps

Basic sanitation and good hygiene are fundamental for a healthy, productive and dignified life. Yet, many of the poor rural people of the world lack access to improved sanitation facilities. Poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene results in tremendous health problems mostly for women and girls. Health is very essential for a self reliant and progressive community. Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust believes in preventive care. In addition, to creating awareness on vital health issues, we also provides curative services through various clinics. Conduct medical camps, health detection programme camps, like Kidney camps, general checkup , blood donation camps, etc and awareness programmes under the guidance's of able dignitaries in the field to make the public aware about various diseases and their effective treatment.

Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust
Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust

Project 6 : Educational Scholarships and Awards

Education gives you the confidence to express your views and opinions. Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust reaches out to deserving students in the underprivileged sections of the society and offers scholarships to financially backwards students who are willing to study more in future. Educational awards are given to those who have attained glorious victories as an encouragement to them and an inspiration for others.

Project 7 : Women Empowerment

Marriage is sacred and an essential part of human integrity. For those who cannot afford this event, Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust has taken initiative and successfully providing financial aid for conducting marriages of poor women.

Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust
Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust

Project 8 : Safe Drinking Water Project

Clean water can greatly alleviate the world's disease burden, only with education and hygienic practice. We are supplying free drinking water in those areas where acute shortage of drinking water persists. The people are fully satisfied at our service in bringing clean and safe drinking water at their doorstep.

Project 9 : Monthly Pension

Allocate the sufferings of those subjected to the un anticipated and sudden calamities in life both mentally and physically. We have a monthly pension plan, where we provide a monthly income for poor bed ridden patients who finds difficult to meet their expenses, a helping hand to the suffering widows and destitute orphans who are struggling to make ends meet. Thus we guarantees a minimum income security.

Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust
Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust

Project 10 : Motivation & Career Classes

Our trust is acquiring passionate pioneers to motivate students and conduct career guidance classes to inspire them and make them achieve a high level job in future and to attain high academic standards. For this it's also important to keep a record of each student's stage of development and plan according to the result. We are also devoted to provide educational materials like books, equipments, educational aids, resources and physical improvements to under privileged students through proper interactions among them.

Project 11 : Honouring the Philanthropists

Honor those who are engaged in humanitarian activities/ social developmental activities.

Shihab Thangal Charitable Trust